How to Scan Love
The ongoing project started in the post-pandemic after covid-19. After spending so much time with real-life objects, I realised that used objects are more than objects than functional quality. Objects can talk about time and life. So I allowed my flatbed scanner to see both, which was only allowed to see official documents before.

I scanned pens, hands, faces, toys, keys, vegetables, biscuits, cooked food, clothes, body, hands, Books, mugs, medicines, screws, plastics, gloves, seeds, images and stuff from daily life.
I want to learn how to scan anger, pride, or pleasant emotions and also how to scan love or the cloud or mountains. Or the waves of the sea or the blurred dreams of the came in midnight with fear-doubt-suspicion.

I scanned pens, hands, faces, toys, keys, vegetables, biscuits, cooked food, clothes, body, hands, Books, mugs, medicines, screws, plastics, gloves, seeds, images and stuff from daily life.
I want to learn how to scan anger, pride, or pleasant emotions and also how to scan love or the cloud or mountains. Or the waves of the sea or the blurred dreams of the came in midnight with fear-doubt-suspicion.

Work process and working progress
The scan machine has such a mysterious eye to see in the dark; even a cat cannot see in absolute darkness, and the romantic device needs an object physically touching its body to see clear of it. So what is the device looking for, relationship or curiosity about physical existence? I need to learn how to scan love, cloud, air, or water under the river. When I began to
scan human body as a process it appeared as moving image as human body cannot freeze like still life. I am curious about the unimaginable outcome

Exhibition- Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute.
Year- the project started in 2021, and the process continues. Materials- flatbed scanner, image printed dummy book.
Size- 240-inch x 180-inch, a book on base 30-inch x 24-inch x 18-inch.

Scanner-based photography workshop
In December 2022, I conducted a workshop with photography pathways students at F+F School in Zurich, Switzerland.

 © shohrab jahan || developed by shams xaman